Jen Ambrose Releases New Single “Under Your Spell” – A Throwback to Kingsbury’s, Her Hometown Bar

Jen Ambrose has just unveiled her highly anticipated new single, “Under Your Spell.” The song serves as a nostalgic tribute to her roots and the memories associated with a local bar in her hometown called Kingsbury’s. With heartfelt lyrics and a captivating melody, “Under Your Spell” captures the struggle of trying to move on and start afresh, only to find oneself irresistibly drawn back to the grasp of an unforgettable place.

Drawing from personal experiences and collaboration with Ken Orsow, who created the signature guitar riffs throughout the song, Ambrose’s introspective songwriting shines through in “Under Your Spell.”

“Kingsbury’s holds so many memories for me,” Ambrose shared. “Like me, Kingsbury’s has long since gone, but sometimes I feel a strange nostalgia for that place, for the smell of stale beer and for the people who used to be there.’’

“Under Your Spell” is now available on all major streaming platforms, allowing fans and music enthusiasts alike to experience Jen Ambrose’s compelling storytelling and exquisite vocals. Listeners can immerse themselves in the irresistible blend of nostalgia, longing, and hope that permeates this heartfelt single.