An Exclusive Interview With Aneessa

Could you share the story behind your latest song and what inspired its creation?

My latest song, “Merci,” which means “thank you” in French, holds a special place in my heart. It came from a moment when I was reflecting deeply on myself. The song is all about gratitude. The lyrics talk about going through tough times and becoming stronger, which is something I really believe in.

How do you approach the process of songwriting, and are there any specific themes or emotions you tend to explore in your music?

When I write songs, I put my feelings on paper and tell stories that people can understand. I often talk about love, finding yourself, and being strong. I hope my songs make a personal connection with everyone who listens.

As an indie musician, how do you navigate the balance between creative freedom and commercial appeal?

Finding the right balance between doing what I love and making music that people like is a bit like a dance. I want to stay true to myself, but also make music that a lot of people can enjoy.

What do you find most challenging about being an independent artist in today’s music industry?

One big challenge is getting noticed among all the other music out there. But it also gives me a chance to connect closely with fans, which is something I love.

Can you talk about your experiences collaborating with other artists or musicians? How does it influence your creative process?

Collaborating with other musicians is like a burst of creativity! It’s fun to work with others and try new things. Their ideas make my music more interesting and fresh.

What role does technology and social media play in promoting your music and connecting with your audience?

Technology and social media are really helpful for me. They let me share my music with a lot of people and talk to fans directly. It’s like making friends through music!

Are there any particular artists or genres that have had a significant impact on your musical style?

I really like Sade, Madonna and American R&B music (60s, 70s,80s90s) , and their music inspires me. Different kinds of music, like soul and electronic sounds, also shape how I make my own music.

Indie musicians often have a close relationship with their fanbase. How do you engage with your fans and build a dedicated community around your music?

I love connecting with my fans! I use social media to show them what’s happening behind the scenes. We chat, I share little videos, and I try to make them feel like part of the family.
Could you describe a memorable live performance experience or tour that has had a lasting impact on you and your music?

Imagine a small, cozy place where I sang my heart out. The people listening made me feel so happy and connected. That special moment reminded me why I love making music
In an era of streaming platforms, how do you feel about the changing landscape of music consumption and its impact on independent musicians?

Streaming music online is like a new way people listen to songs. It’s cool because it lets more people hear my music. But it’s also a bit challenging to get noticed in a big sea of songs.