Renowned bassist and composer Mitchell Coleman Jr. released his latest single, “GunSlinger,” on May 26, 2023. Produced by former Motown producer and multi-platinum record producer Michael B. Sutton, this highly anticipated track is poised to make waves in the music industry.
Mitchell Coleman Jr. is no stranger to success, having previously released hit albums like “Soul Searching,” which reached the Top 5 on the Billboard charts. With his distinctive blend of jazz and funk fusion, Coleman Jr. has captivated audiences globally, leaving them eagerly awaiting his next musical creation.
“GunSlinger” is a masterfully crafted composition that will enthrall listeners with its infectious rhythm and undeniable groove. Coleman Jr.’s exceptional artistry shines through as he delivers a performance that effortlessly moves both the body and the soul.
Prepare to be enchanted as Mitchell Coleman Jr. takes you on a musical journey like no other with “GunSlinger.”